24#include "../cswordmodulesearch.h"
25#include "../language.h"
144 Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Features,
270 sword::ListKey
const & scope)
294 virtual bool snap()
const {
return false; }
387 std::memory_order_relaxed)
The backend layer main class, a backend implementation of Sword.
bool has(CSwordModuleInfo::Feature const feature) const noexcept
CSwordModuleSearch::ModuleResultList searchIndexed(QString const &searchedText, sword::ListKey const &scope) const
sword::SWVersion minimumSwordVersion() const
CSwordBackend & backend() const
void write(CSwordKey *key, const QString &newText)
void cancelIndexing(std::memory_order const memoryOrder=std::memory_order_relaxed) noexcept
QString config(const CSwordModuleInfo::ConfigEntry entry) const
bool isUnicode() const noexcept
static FilterOption const redLetterWords
static FilterOption const headings
virtual CSwordKey * createKey() const =0
static FilterOption const textualVariants
static void deleteIndexForModule(const QString &name)
virtual bool snap() const
bool unlock(const QString &unlockKey)
static FilterOption const hebrewPoints
static QString getGlobalBaseIndexLocation()
CSwordModuleInfo::Category const m_cachedCategory
CSwordModuleInfo(CSwordModuleInfo const &)=delete
static QString categoryName(const CSwordModuleInfo::Category &category)
static FilterOption const strongNumbers
bool unlockKeyIsValid() const
static FilterOption const morphTags
static FilterOption const scriptureReferences
void setImportantFilterOptions(bool enable)
QString getFormattedConfigEntry(const QString &name) const
QString const m_cachedName
QString getModuleBaseIndexLocation() const
static FilterOption const hebrewCantillation
CSwordModuleInfo::TextDirection textDirection() const
bool const m_cachedHasVersion
static QIcon const & categoryIcon(CSwordModuleInfo::Category category)
QString const & name() const
void hasIndexChanged(bool hasIndex)
CSwordModuleInfo & operator=(CSwordModuleInfo &&)=delete
bool hasImportantFilterOption() const
QString aboutText() const
@ CopyrightContactAddress
static FilterOption const morphSegmentation
QString getModuleStandardIndexLocation() const
char const * textDirectionAsHtml() const
sword::SWModule & m_swordModule
void hiddenChanged(bool hidden)
void indexingProgress(int)
bool setHidden(bool hide)
virtual bool isWritable() const
static FilterOption const greekAccents
Features const m_cachedFeatures
CSwordModuleInfo & operator=(CSwordModuleInfo const &)=delete
QString getSimpleConfigEntry(const QString &name) const
std::atomic< bool > m_cancelIndexing
static FilterOption const footnotes
void unlockedChanged(bool unlocked)
std::shared_ptr< Language const > const m_cachedLanguage
std::shared_ptr< Language const > glossaryTargetlanguage() const
std::shared_ptr< Language const > language() const
CSwordBackend & m_backend
::qint64 indexSize() const
sword::SWModule & swordModule() const
CSwordModuleInfo::Category category() const
std::shared_ptr< Language const > const m_cachedGlossaryTargetLanguage
CSwordModuleInfo(CSwordModuleInfo &&)=delete
static FilterOption const lemmas
size_t lucene_utf8towcs(wchar_t *, const char *, size_t maxslen)
size_t lucene_wcstoutf8(char *, const wchar_t *, size_t maxslen)
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< sword::SWKey const > > ModuleResultList
std::string configOptionName
static char const * valueToReadings(int value) noexcept
static char const * valueToOnOff(int value) noexcept
char const * translatableOptionName