Here is a list of all functions with links to the classes they belong to:
- h -
- handleHistoryMoved() : CKeyChooser
- handleToken() : Filters::GbfToHtml, Filters::OsisToHtml, Filters::TeiToHtml, Filters::ThmlToHtml
- handleXmlElement() : BtBookmarksModelPrivate
- has() : CSwordModuleInfo
- hasAlternativeContent() : Rendering::CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem
- hasBookmarksRecursively() : CBookmarkIndex
- hasChildren() : BtBookmarksModel, BtBookshelfTreeModel, CSwordTreeKey
- hasDescendant() : anonymous_namespace{btbookmarksmodel.cpp}::BookmarkFolder, BtBookmarksModel
- hasImportantFilterOption() : CSwordModuleInfo
- hasIndex() : CSwordModuleInfo
- hasIndexChanged() : CSwordModuleInfo
- hasNewTestament() : CSwordBibleModuleInfo
- hasOldTestament() : CSwordBibleModuleInfo
- hasStrongsKeys() : CSwordLexiconModuleInfo
- hasVersion() : CSwordModuleInfo
- headerData() : BtBookmarksModel, BtBookshelfModel, BtBookshelfTreeModel, BtInstallPageModel
- hiddenChanged() : CSwordModuleInfo
- hiddenFilterAcceptsRow() : BtBookshelfFilterModel
- hiddenFilterKeyColumn() : BtBookshelfFilterModel
- hiddenFilterRole() : BtBookshelfFilterModel
- hideExtraItem() : CBookmarkIndex
- highlightImmediately() : BtFindWidget
- highlightText() : BtFindWidget, BtModelViewReadDisplay
- highlightTextInActiveWindow() : CMDIArea
- history() : CDisplayWindow
- historyChanged() : BTHistory
- historyItems() : Search::CHistoryComboBox
- historyMoved() : BTHistory
- htmlMode() : BtEditTextWizard, BtPlainOrHtmlPage