Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*********
2 *
3 * In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
4 *
5 * This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
6 *
7 * Copyright 1999-2021 by the BibleTime developers.
8 * The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License
9 * version 2.0.
10 *
11 **********/
13 #include "bttipdialog.h"
15 #include <QCheckBox>
16 #include <QColor>
17 #include <QDesktopServices>
18 #include <QDialogButtonBox>
19 #include <QFlags>
20 #include <QFont>
21 #include <QHBoxLayout>
22 #include <QPalette>
23 #include <QPushButton>
24 #include <QSizePolicy>
25 #include <QTextBrowser>
26 #include <QVBoxLayout>
27 #include <QWidget>
28 #include "../../backend/config/btconfig.h"
29 #include "../../util/btconnect.h"
30 #include "../../util/bticons.h"
31 #include "../../util/cresmgr.h"
32 #include "../messagedialog.h"
35 class QUrl;
37 namespace {
39 inline QString vertical_align(const QString &text) {
40  return QStringLiteral(
41  "<table height=\"100%\"><tr>"
42  "<td style=\"vertical-align:middle\" height=\"100%\">%1</td>"
43  "</tr></table>").arg(text);
44 }
46 inline QString make_style(QWidget *widget) {
47  auto const & p = widget->palette();
48  return QStringLiteral(
49  "<style type=\"text/css\">"
50  "body{"
51  "background-color:%1;"
52  "color:%2"
53  "}"
54  "h3{font-weight:bold;text-align:center}"
55  "a{text-decoration:underline}"
56  "a:link{color:%3}"
57  "a:visited{color:%4}"
58  "</style>")
59  .arg(p.color(QPalette::Base).name(),
60  p.color(QPalette::Text).name(),
61  p.color(QPalette::Link).name(),
62  p.color(QPalette::LinkVisited).name());
63 }
65 inline QString make_html(QWidget *widget, const QString &text) {
66  return QStringLiteral("<html><head>%1</head><body>%2</body></html>")
67  .arg(make_style(widget), vertical_align(text));
68 }
70 auto const LastTipNumberKey = QStringLiteral("GUI/lastTipNumber");
72 } // anonymous namespace
75 BtTipDialog::BtTipDialog(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags wflags)
76  : QDialog(parent, wflags)
77 {
78  setWindowFlags(windowFlags() & ~Qt::WindowContextHelpButtonHint);
79  setWindowTitle(tr("Tip Of The Day"));
80  setWindowIcon(CResMgr::mainMenu::help::tipOfTheDay::icon());
81  resize(450, 240);
83  QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
85  m_tipView = new QTextBrowser(this);
86  m_tipView->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
87  m_tipView->setOpenExternalLinks(true);
88  m_tipView->setStyleSheet(
89  QStringLiteral("QTextEdit{background-color:rgb(255,255,255)}"));
90  QFont font = m_tipView->font();
91  font.setPointSize(font.pointSize()+2);
92  m_tipView->setFont(font);
93  mainLayout->addWidget(m_tipView);
95  QHBoxLayout* hLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
97  m_showTipsCheckBox = new QCheckBox;
98  m_showTipsCheckBox->setText(tr("Show tips at startup"));
99  m_showTipsCheckBox->setChecked(
100  btConfig().value<bool>(QStringLiteral("GUI/showTipAtStartup"),
101  true));
102  hLayout->addWidget(m_showTipsCheckBox);
104  m_buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Close,
105  Qt::Horizontal,
106  this);
109  QPushButton *nextButton;
110  nextButton = m_buttonBox->addButton(tr("Next Tip"),
111  QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole);
112  hLayout->addWidget(m_buttonBox);
114  mainLayout->addLayout(hLayout);
115  setLayout(mainLayout);
117  BT_CONNECT(m_showTipsCheckBox, &QCheckBox::toggled,
118  [](bool v) { btConfig().setValue("GUI/showTipAtStartup", v); });
119  BT_CONNECT(m_buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected,
120  this, &BtTipDialog::reject);
121  BT_CONNECT(nextButton, &QPushButton::clicked,
122  [this]{
123  m_tipNumber = (m_tipNumber + 1) % m_tips.size();
125  displayTip();
126  });
127  BT_CONNECT(m_tipView, &QTextBrowser::anchorClicked,
128  [](QUrl const & url) { QDesktopServices::openUrl(url); });
131  retranslateUi();
132 }
135  m_tips.clear();
137  m_tips << tr("The currently active window can be auto scrolled up or down."
138  " Start scrolling by pressing Shift+Down. You can increase the"
139  " scrolling speed by pressing Shift+Down multiple times. To"
140  " pause scrolling press Space. To start scrolling again at the"
141  " previous speed press Space again. To slow down scrolling or scroll"
142  " the other direction press Shift+Up one or more times. Pressing"
143  " any other key or changing the active window will stop the scrolling.");
145  m_tips << tr("To add multiple Bible works in parallel in your active Bible or commentary window"
146  " select this icon and choose another Bible or commentary work.")
147  + "<br><center>" + iconToHtml(CResMgr::modules::bible::icon_add()) + "</center>";
149  m_tips << tr("To add multiple commentary works in parallel in your active commentary window"
150  " select this icon and choose another commentary work.")
151  + "<br><center>" + iconToHtml(CResMgr::modules::commentary::icon_add()) + "</center>";
153  m_tips << tr("To learn more about the BibleTime project please go to our web site.")
154  + "<br><center><a href=\"\"></a></center>";
156  m_tips << tr("To synchronize a commentary window with the active Bible window, activate the"
157  " commentary window and select this icon.") + "<br><center>"
158  + iconToHtml(CResMgr::displaywindows::commentaryWindow::syncWindow::icon())
159  + "</center><br>" + tr("Select the icon again to stop the synchronization.");
161  m_tips << tr("To create a bookmark drag any verse reference from a Bible or commentary work"
162  " into the Bookmarks window. An arrow will indicate the position that the bookmark will"
163  " go when you release the cursor. Other works will have a reference in the upper left"
164  " corner that can be used to create a bookmark.");
166  m_tips << tr("To change a bookmark title or description, right click on the bookmark"
167  " and select the Edit Bookmark menu. After finishing the edit the description can be"
168  " seen by hovering over the bookmark.");
170  m_tips << tr("To find more information about a work, go the the Bookshelf window, right"
171  " click on the work, and select the About menu.");
173  m_tips << tr("The Bookshelf, Bookmark, and Mag windows can be moved to new locations by"
174  " dragging them from the title at the top of each window. They can be placed to the left,"
175  " right, above, or below the works windows. They can be placed on top of each other and"
176  " tabs will appear so each window can be selected. They can be resized by dragging the"
177  " border between the window and another window.");
179  m_tips << tr("You can search for Strong's numbers in a work. Start with a work that has Strong's"
180  " numbers and hover over a word. Right click the word and use the Strong's Search"
181  " menu. A search dialog will appear that allows you to see the use of the same"
182  " Strong's number in other locations of the work.");
184  m_tips << tr("You can save personal notes for specific verse references. You must install"
185  " the Personal commentary. Open the Bookshelf Manager, choose Crosswire as the"
186  " source, English as the language, and look under Commentary. Once installed, open it"
187  " like any other window, or in parallel with a bible. Click a verse to edit it.");
189  m_tips << tr("You can view Strong's number information in the MAG window by hovering over"
190  " a word in a Bible work that has Strong's numbers. You should have the StrongsGreek"
191  " and StrongsHebrew lexicons from Crosswire installed.");
193  m_tips << tr("You can save your open windows in a session. Such a session can easily be restored"
194  " later on. You can save as many sessions as you like. The session feature can be"
195  " accessed under the Window menu entry.");
197  displayTip();
198 }
201 { m_tipView->setHtml(make_html(this, m_tips[m_tipNumber])); }
BtConfig & btConfig()
This is a shortchand for BtConfig::getInstance().
Definition: btconfig.h:305
#define BT_CONNECT(...)
Definition: btconnect.h:20
QString iconToHtml(QIcon const &icon, int const extent)
Definition: bticons.cpp:193
T value(QString const &key, T const &defaultValue=T()) const
Returns the settings value for the given global key.
Definition: btconfigcore.h:50
void setValue(QString const &key, T const &value)
Sets a value for a key.
Definition: btconfigcore.h:73
QTextBrowser * m_tipView
Definition: bttipdialog.h:47
void retranslateUi()
QDialogButtonBox * m_buttonBox
Definition: bttipdialog.h:46
void displayTip()
QStringList m_tips
Definition: bttipdialog.h:50
BtTipDialog(QWidget *parent=nullptr, Qt::WindowFlags wflags=Qt::Dialog)
Definition: bttipdialog.cpp:75
QCheckBox * m_showTipsCheckBox
Definition: bttipdialog.h:48
int m_tipNumber
Definition: bttipdialog.h:49
QString vertical_align(const QString &text)
Definition: bttipdialog.cpp:39
QString make_html(QWidget *widget, const QString &text)
Definition: bttipdialog.cpp:65
QString make_style(QWidget *widget)
Definition: bttipdialog.cpp:46
void prepareDialogBox(QDialogButtonBox *box)