19#include "../../backend/config/btconfigcore.h"
20#include "../../backend/drivers/btmodulelist.h"
21#include "../../backend/drivers/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
22#include "../../util/btassert.h"
23#include "../../util/btconnect.h"
24#include "../../util/cresmgr.h"
25#include "../bibletime.h"
26#include "../display/btmodelviewreaddisplay.h"
27#include "../keychooser/bthistory.h"
28#include "../keychooser/cbooktreechooser.h"
29#include "../keychooser/ckeychooser.h"
39 auto *
const qaction =
new QAction(tr(
"Toggle tree view"),
40 qaction->setCheckable(
41 addAction(QStringLiteral(
"toggleTree"), qaction);
54 Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea | Qt::RightDockWidgetArea);
76 if (conf.
void historyMoved(QString newKey)
void add(CSwordKey *newKey)
QToolBar * toolsToolBar() const noexcept
BtModuleChooserBar * worksToolBar() const noexcept
QToolBar * navToolBar() const noexcept
void readShortcuts(QString const &group)
Read shortcuts from config.
void addAction(QString const &name, QAction *const action)
QAction & action(QString const &name) const
T value(QString const &key, T const &defaultValue=T()) const
Returns the settings value for the given global key.
void setValue(QString const &key, T const &value)
Sets a value for a key.
void associateWithWindow(CDisplayWindow *window)
ActionCollection(QObject *parent=nullptr)
CBookReadWindow(QList< CSwordModuleInfo * > const &modules, QString const &key, CMDIArea *parent)
void initConnections() override
CBookTreeChooser * m_treeChooser
void applyProfileSettings(BtConfigCore const &windowConf) override
Loads the settings of this window from configuration.
void modulesChanged() override
void storeProfileSettings(BtConfigCore &windowConf) const override
Stores the settings of this window to configuration.
QDockWidget * m_treeChooserDock
void initToolbars() override
void initActions() override
void setupMainWindowToolBars() override
void updateKey(CSwordKey *) final override
void setModules(BtConstModuleList const &modules, bool refresh=true) final override
The base class for all display windows of BibleTime.
virtual void modulesChanged()
QToolBar * buttonsToolBar() const noexcept
void sigKeyChanged(CSwordKey *key)
struct CDisplayWindow::ActionsStruct m_actions
void setDisplaySettingsButton(BtDisplaySettingsButton *button)
QToolBar * mainToolBar() const noexcept
virtual void initConnections()
virtual void storeProfileSettings(BtConfigCore &windowConf) const
Stores the settings of this window to configuration.
CKeyChooser * keyChooser() const noexcept
virtual void lookupSwordKey(CSwordKey *)
BtConstModuleList constModules() const
CSwordKey * swordKey() const noexcept
BibleTime * btMainWindow()
virtual void applyProfileSettings(BtConfigCore const &windowConf)
Loads the settings of this window from configuration.
ActionCollection * actionCollection() const noexcept
BtModuleList const & modules() const noexcept
BTHistory * history() const noexcept
void handleHistoryMoved(QString const &newKey)
void keyChanged(CSwordKey *newKey)
virtual void updateKey(CSwordKey *key)=0
static CKeyChooser * createInstance(const BtConstModuleList &modules, CSwordKey *key, QWidget *parent)
BtToolBarPopupAction * forwardInHistory
BtToolBarPopupAction * backInHistory