Розділ 5. Посилання


Main menu reference
Довідник робіт
Shortcuts index

Main menu reference

In this section you can find detailed descriptions of all entries in the main menu of BibleTime. They are ordered in just the way they appear in BibleTime, with all the sub-items listed under the major menu item they belong to. You can also see the shortcut of each item;a complete listing of all shortcuts can be found in the shortcuts section.


ФайлВідкрити твір

Open work. This will give you a menu that will allow you to open installed books.

ФайлВихід (Ctrl+Q)

Closes BibleTime. BibleTime will ask you if you want to write unsaved changes to disk.


ВиглядПовноекранний режим (F5)

Toggles full screen display. Toggle this setting to maximize the BibleTime window.

ВиглядПоказати полицю

Toggles display of the Bookshelf. Toggle this setting to turn the Bookshelf on the left pane on or off. This can be handy if you need more space for the Mag.

ВиглядПоказати закладки

Toggles display of the Bookmarks. Toggle this setting to turn the Bookmarks on the left pane on or off. This can be handy if you need more space for the Mag.

ВиглядПоказати Скло

Toggles display of the Mag(nifying glass). Toggle this setting to turn the Mag on the left pane on or off.

ВиглядПоказати паралельні текстові заголовки

Toggles viewing of additional works Toggle this setting to allow you to view additional works in parallel to your current open books.

ВиглядПанелі інструментівПоказати головне (F6)

Toggles Main Toolbar display. Toggle this setting to turn the main toolbar on or off.

ВиглядПанелі інструментівПоказати переходи

Toggles Navigation in works. Toggle this setting to add or remove the navigation combo box in works. This can be handy to view the full toolbar in the open works

ВиглядПанелі інструментівПоказати твори

Toggles Toolbars in works. Toggle this setting to add or remove the works icons in the open works.

ВиглядПанелі інтсрументівПоказати інструменти

Toggles tools in works. Toggle this setting to add or remove the tools icons in the open works.

ВиглядПанелі інструментівПоказати формат

Toggles format. Toggle this setting when editing HTML in Personal Commentaries. It will add or remove the formatting toolbar.

ВиглядПанелі інструментівПоказати панелі інструментів у вікнах тексту

Toggles toolbars in works. Toggle this setting to add or remove the complete toolbar in open works.


ПошукПошук у стандартній Біблії (Ctrl+Alt+F)

Opens the Search Dialog to search in the standard Bible only. More works can be added in the Search Dialog. A more detailed search description can be found in the Searching in works section.

SearchSearch in open work(s) (Ctrl+O)

Opens the Search Dialog to search in all open works. Works can be added or removed in the Search Dialog. A more detailed search description can be found in the Searching in works section.


ВікноЗакрити вікно (Ctrl+W)

Закриває активне вікно.

ВікноЗакрити всі (Ctrl+Alt+W)

Закриває всі відкриті вікна.

ВікноКаскад (Ctrl+J)

Каскадує всі відкриті вікна.

ВікноРозташувати (Ctrl+I)

Росташовує всі відкриті вікна.

ВікноРозташувати зліва направо (Ctrl+G)

Automatically tiles all open windows vertically.

ВікноРозташувати зверху вниз (Ctrl+H)

Automatically tiles all open windows horizontally.

ВікноРежим розташування

Controls the basic window arrangement behaviour. In the opening context menu, you can either specify that you want to take care of the window arrangement yourself (Manual mode), Tabbed, Auto-tile vertically, Auto-tile horizontally, Auto-tile or Auto-cascade. Just try them out!

ВікноЗберегти сеанс

Directly saves the current session. This will open a context menu where you can select an existing session to save to. It will be overwritten with your current session. See the next item on how to save to a new session.

ВікноЗберегти як новий сеанс (Ctrl+Alt+S)

Saves the current session under a new name. This will ask for a new name to save the session to.

ВікноЗавантажити сеанс

Loads an existing session. This will open a context menu where you can select an existing session to load.

ВікноВидалити сеанс

Deletes an existing session. This will open a context menu where you can select an existing session that should be deleted.


НастройкиНалаштувати BibleTime

Opens BibleTime's main configuration dialog. You can configure all kinds of nice settings there to adapt BibleTime to your needs. Please see the Configuring BibleTime section for details.

НастройкиКерівник Полички (F4)

Opens a dialog where you can change your SWORD configuration and manage your bookshelf. Please see the Bookshelf Manager section for details.


ДовідкаДовідник (F1)

Відкриває BibleTime керівництво користувача Ви читаєте його зараз.

ДовідкаВивчення Біблії - Як (F2)

Opens a guide on how to study the Bible It is the hope of the BibleTime team that this HowTo will provoke the readers to study the scriptures to see what they say. This particular study guide has been chosen as it takes care not to advocate any particular denominational doctrine. We expect you to read and study the scriptures to understand what they say. If you start with the attitude that you want to have the Lord sow his word in your heart He will not disappoint you.

ДовідкаПорада дня (F3)

Opens a helpful tip The Tip of the Day provides a useful tip that will assist in the use of BibleTime.


Opens a window about BibleTime project information contains information about BibleTime software version, project contributors, SWORD software version, Qt software version and the license agreement.