This is the complete list of members for BtInstallMgr, including all inherited members.
BtInstallMgr(QObject *parent=nullptr) | BtInstallMgr | |
downloadStarted() | BtInstallMgr | signal |
isUserDisclaimerConfirmed() const override | BtInstallMgr | |
m_completedBytes | BtInstallMgr | private |
m_firstCallOfPreStatus | BtInstallMgr | private |
m_totalBytes | BtInstallMgr | private |
percentCompleted(const int total, const int file) | BtInstallMgr | signal |
preStatus(long totalBytes, long completedBytes, const char *message) override | BtInstallMgr | protected |
statusUpdate(double dltotal, double dlnow) override | BtInstallMgr | protected |
~BtInstallMgr() override | BtInstallMgr |