Un'allegoria è: Una storia in cui ogni elemento ha un significato.
Ogni parabola è un'allegoria, giusto o sbagliato?
Some parables are allegories, for instance, the parable of the sower is an allegory: the seed is the word of God, the thorns are worries and greed, etc. But most parables are not allegories but simply stories to illustrate one point. It's dangerous to get our doctrine from parables; they can be twisted to say all sorts of things. We need to get our doctrine from clear scriptures that lay it out; then if a parable illustrates that, fine.
La parabola della vedova e del giudice iniquo in Lc 18,1-8. Questa storia illustra una lezione: l'audacia nella preghiera. Se la prendiamo come un'allegoria, cosa succede?
Tutti i tipi di violenza raggiungono lo scopo: Dio esita a proteggere i diritti della vedova, la preghiera lo scoccia, ecc.
The parable of the unrighteous steward in Lk.16:1-9. What is the point of the parable? Is it an allegory?
The steward is commended for only one thing, his shrewdness in using what he had to prepare for a time when he wouldn't have it. But he is not commended for his unethical behavior in cheating his master.