Se è la prima volta che avvii BibleTime, vorrai configurare le seguenti opzioni, disponibili tra le Impostazioni barra dei menu.
Modifies your Bookshelf. This dialog lets you modify your Bookshelf, add or delete works from your system. It will only be shown if no default Bookshelf can be found. Please see The Bookshelf Manager section for further details. If you start off with an empty Bookshelf, it will be helpful to install at least one Bible, Commentary, Lexicon and one Book to get to know BibleTime's basic features quickly. You will be presented with a list of works that are available from the Crosswire Bible Society and other repositories;
Personalizza BibleTime. Questa finestra ti permette di adattare BibleTime alle tue esigenze. Guarda la descrizione dettagliata di questa finestra.